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Health & Wellness Visit Rates

  -Full Health Intake:         - 90 min.*       $190
  -Brief Health Intake:       - 60 min.*       $140
  -Return Health Visits:     - 90 min.*       $190
                                              - 60 min.*       $140
                                              - 45 min.*       $110
                                              - 30 min.*         $80 
                                              -15 min.*          $50
      *total time for in office visits, phone consults & emails*

           Individual Therapies

-Nutrition Consulting           - 60 min.      $100
-Foot Reflexology                  - 60 min.       $100
-Acupressure & Meridians  - 60 min.      $100
-Reiki                                       - 60 min.       $100

  *If you are unable to keep your appointment, 24 hours notice is            required.
             **Missed appointments will incur a fee.

   What to expect

        Health & Wellness Consult Pkgs:
  If you have a chronic or complex health challenge & have

       not found the answers; these are the pkg's for you
(pricing valid through February 28th,  2025)

      -Initial Consult - 90 min. & 2 - 30 min. 
             Return Consults*:  $270
 (*per person)
             ( *150 min. total for consults, therapies, phone calls, & emails)

    -60 min. Initial Consult & 2 - 30 min. return 

                       Consults*:  $220 (*per person)
                      (*120 min. total for consuls, therapies, phone calls & emails)
       3 - 45 min. Return Health Consults*:  $250 
              (*per person)         (*135 min. total for consults, therapies, phone calls, & emails)

     3 - 30 min. Return Health Consults*: $160
   (*per person)         ( *90 min. total for consults, therapies, phone calls, & emails)

 An initial full consultation lasts approximately 1 ½ hours and

includes a complete medical case history.


The following areas will be discussed during the consultation:

present and past medical history, family health, hereditary

diseases, diet, lifestyle and exercise habits, medications,

allergies and emotional well-being.


I will review any medical diagnosis and perform any required

physical examinations.


The patient is provided with a plan for any health challenges

through the use of natural therapies including;

herbal medicine, vitamin and minerals supplementation,

nutrition, exercise, lifestyle counselling, detoxification and

cleansing programs.

These programs are individually created specifically for each

patient’s needs.


Follow-up consultations are 30-60 minutes long and are

usually held every 1-4 weeks.

In these sessions, progress evaluation will be examined and

any challenges will be addressed.

The patient will usually undergo a series of follow-up visits.

Natural Medicine
Therapy Descriptions
Natural Medicine

Natural Medicine looks to find the root cause of the symptoms, imbalances or disease  using a variety of methods such as;

physical examination, palpation, history taking, review of any previous diagnosis, tests and lab results, review of symptoms, medications, diet, lifestyle, previous injury and trauma (physical or emotional), as well as any other relevant contributing factors.  An individual plan is then developed to assist the client with their healing journey goals. Multiple modalities may be used during the course of the sessions, such as; Homeopathy, Herbal supplementation, Nutritional & Dietary recommendations, Trigger-point muscle release, Acupressure, Pulses, Tongue reading, Iridology, Sclerology, Foot Reflexology, Cranial Sacral, Stress reduction practices, exercises & stretches & more

Chronic health conditions may require a series of health visits to bring the body into balance.


Auricular Therapy​

Auriculotherapy (also auricular therapy, ear acupuncture, and auriculoacupuncture) is based on the idea that the ear is a micro system and an external organ, which reflects the entire body, represented on the auricle, the outer portion of the ear. Conditions affecting the physical, mental or emotional health of the patient are assumed to be treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively.


Nutrition Consulting

Doctors of Natural Medicine are professionals trained in Natural Nutrition and complementary therapies, whose principal

function is to educate and coach individuals and groups about the benefits and health impact of optimal nutrition.


Poor nutrition is a major cause of a wide range of health disorders. Although most people are aware of the benefits of sound

nutrition, the range of conflicting information available to the consumer is often confusing. Doctors in Natural Medicine guide

their clients through the maze of information available combined with the latest in scientific research to identify and treat the

root cause of their health challenge.


Lifestyle and Wellness Counselling

The body system works as a whole; with mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects all affecting our daily lives.  Often

when one system is out of balance, other systems become imbalanced as well.  Subconscious patterns, self-limiting beliefs,

negative default thought patterns and lack of tools to change are a few things that keep people from attaining their best

possible health and happiness.



Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing method for bringing about balance in the body and its systems.  Chinese 

medicine focuses less on the physical structure of the body and more on the channels (or meridians) that serve to circulate the 

Qi (energy) and blood to every part of the body.  Channels penetrate the deepest levels of the body to connect the body as an

integrated whole working system.  

Points along the channels are easily blocked, decreasing energy flow along the channel. By holding points and releasing energy

blockages in channels, body systems can come back into balance for healing.

Conditions that have shown to have a reduction in symptoms include; TMJ, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Face, Neck & Jaw pain, Brain Fog, Headaches & Migraines, Anxiety, Sciatica, Chronic pain, and more...


Foot Reflexology

Reflexology is the natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the hand, feet and ears that correspond to

all parts of the body, internal and external, including glands and organs.  By stimulating these reflexes through a form of

acupressure, reflexology helps to rebalance and revitalize our whole body. 

Reflexology has been shown to:  Promote relaxation and tension release, increase energy, improve circulation, aid digestion,

balance the body naturally without adverse side effects.

By reducing stress through Reflexology, conditions such as headaches, migraines, stress & stress related problems, menstrual &

menopausal problems, insomnia, arthritis, digestive problems & diabetes can benefit and improve.



Reiki and Energy-work are based on the idea that there is a universal (or source) energy that supports the body's innate

healing abilities. Practitioners seek to access this energy, allowing it to flow to the body and facilitate healing.


Although generally practiced as a form of self-care, Reiki can be received from someone else and may be offered in a variety of

health care settings, including medical offices, hospitals, and clinics. It can be practiced on its own or along with other

therapies or conventional medical treatments.


Energetic Reset

Assessing physical, emotional, spiritual & mental aspects through energetic testing to find blockages that can affect every part of well-being.  Energies, trauma & stored emotions can cause or be a contributing factor in disease.  Through the release of these stored & often hidden or subconscious blockages the body can begin to come into balance.

Conditions that can be improved include; mood, physical disturbances & ailments, weight loss blocks, relationship blocks, abundance blocks, chronic pain, repetitive health & life patterns & much more!


2335 Rosedale Ave.,

Armstrong B.C. 

Canada   V4Y 0B5


Dr. Teresa Cline DNM

Doctor of Natural Medicine

Ph: 250 214-3344

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