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USUI Method Reiki Training  (a minimum of 2 participants required for courses to commence)
Reiki Level 1
 This entry level course presents the history of Reiki, discussion on the 5 Reiki Principles/Precepts, anatomy,                                      understanding energy, energy blockages & how energy flows in the body. Level 1 is an 8+ hour hands-on course. 
                       Scope of Practice, 
Ethics, Code of Conduct, confidentiality of clients, professionalism & integrity of practice, as well
Level 1 Reiki Attunements, grounding & centering practices, self-healing practices, hand positions, & completion of a
                       chair session & more are presented in this course. 
                       A Certificate of completion is given upon demonstration of
knowledge of material presented in this course.
This entry level course meets the requirements to apply to the Canadian Reiki Association as an Associate member*.                                 *Associate Membership Application » Canadian Reiki Association   (
                 Investment for Level 1:  $300 per person (payment in full is due prior to course commencement)
Reiki Level 2 - Prerequisite; Level 1, with a minimum of 8 hours class-time **.  Level 2 is an 8+  hours hands-on  course where 
                        we become more familiar with the feel of energy, how to interpret what you are feeling or sensing with your hands
                        and how to direct energy.  Multiple hands-on sessions are done during this class to increase self-confidence.  Level 2
                        includes Level 2 Reiki Attunements , demonstrations & practical time with using the Reiki symbols, methods of distance
                        Reiki & practice of all material delivered.  A Certificate of completion is given in this course. 
                        Level 2 meets the requirements to apply to the Canadian Reiki Association as an Associate or practitioner Member*.    
 *Associate Membership Application » Canadian Reiki Association (
                        Investment for Level 2 (must have completed Level 1**):  $300 per person 
                            (payment in full is due prior to course commencement)
                                 **Certificate of Completion must indicate number of in-class, hands-on hours & be signed and dated by a Reiki Master                          
USUI Reiki Level 1 & 2 combined Investment:  $550
USUI Reiki Level 3 (Master Practitioner) -
Prerequisite; Level 1 & 2 with a minimum of 16 hours class-time**.  
Reiki Level 3 is the first part of the Masters Training, as we expand our knowledge of Reiki in this 8+ hour hands-on 
                        course. The Attunement for this level is given, as well as the Usui Master Symbol.  We will learn about the
chakras of the
                        spine, the aura & practice aura clearing, and incorporate working with crystals & the Reiki Crystal Grid into our practice. 
                        A review of Levels 1 & 2 & discussion will occur, then participants will demonstrate all techniques shown in this class.
                        Level 3 meets the requirements of the Canadian Reiki Association as an Associate or practitioner Member*.
                       * Membership » Canadian Reiki Association    (    
                        Investment for Level 3 (must have completed Levels 1 & 2**):  $500 per person  
(payment in full is due prior to course commencement)
                                **Certificate(s) of Completion must indicate number of in-class, hands-on hours & be signed and dated by a Reiki Master
USUI Reiki Master (Teacher) - Prerequisite; Level 1, 2 & 3 with a minimum of 8 hours class-time per level. **
    This level prepares you to become a Master of Reiki with a minimum of 12 hours of study & practice.  In class
                         meditations, attunements, traditional Reiki Master symbol, hands-on practice, review of scope of practice, ethics, code
                         of conduct, business practices, how to set up your space, potential
 energetic shifts & releasing reactions in the body,
                         self-care, marketing, how to perform attunements for all levels and more. 

                         Certificate of completion is given upon submission of at-home assignments & practical demonstrations. 
                         This level prepares you to apply to the Canadian R
eiki Association as an Associate Member*, Practitioner Member*                                      or Reiki Master* after completing & documenting the required case studies.   
Membership » Canadian Reiki Association   (
                         **Certificate(s) of Completion must indicate number of in-class, hands-on hours & be signed and dated by a Reiki Master
                         Investment for USUI Reiki Master:  $700   (payment is due in full prior to course commencement)
Usui Reiki Level 3 (Master Practitioner) & Reiki Master combined - Investment:  $1000

2335 Rosedale Ave.,

Armstrong B.C. 

Canada   V4Y 0B5


Dr. Teresa Cline DNM

Doctor of Natural Medicine

Ph: 250 214-3344

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